This weekend was overall mellow. I went into the studio to do some work on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday evening I decided to make pizza. But, not really knowing the specifics of Italian cooking, I ended up buying baking soda instead of yeast... in my defense there was a pizza and calzone on the front of the package. So I went back to the supermarket and felt around for yeast. After about 2 hours of letting the yeast work its magic on the flour I had my dough.

Unfortunately, Eugenio (my roommate) and I put the oven on the wrong setting and this is what came out. I guess the broiler was on too. Oh well. I tasted the bottom, unburnt part of the dough and I think it came out pretty well, so thats good news. So, we had pasta for dinner that night!
The next day I went to La Specola, a zoological museum, with a couple classmates. It was pretty cool with stuffed animals, pinned insects, snakes and ocean creatures in formaldehyde, and wax copies of our insides.

Here's a really cool scene. I was just about to draw it but was told that they museum was closing. I got a little sketch of another one though. Josh Keyes would have loved this place.
Later in the day I headed off to Ikea. While walking across the bridge, the Ponte Carraia to be exact, I saw this.

I'm seriously obsessed with the Arno River. I walk across it at least twice a day and every time I do it is breathtaking.
I made it to Ikea along with the rest of Florence's population. Seriously, do not go to Ikea on a Sunday in a place where people like to buy stuff on the weekends. Ikea always cracks me up though. Where else can you have an impulse buy item be a bed?
On the bus ride back a saw an interesting man.

Look at this wrists. I wonder if he was selling those watches or just liked to know what time it was in different parts of the world. Anyway, it was a nice weekend. Oh, and I bought train tickets for me and two of my sculpture classmates all in Italian! I guess we'll see tomorrow if my Italian was good enough to get us to Carrara on time for our sculpture field trip. Stay tuned!