Here's a new one. I was enjoying a warm day on the deck of my house where there are tons of beautiful plants also enjoying the weather. This broad leaf plant caught my eye and reminded me of the giant taro leafs you see everywhere in Hawaii. Going with the new perspective I've been exploring with my recent paintings, I though it'd be cool to imagine what the future might look like after nature has been revitalized (or maybe adapted to us)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 is Alive!
That's right, I made a website! After having the domain for a good month and realizing that my computer is pretty dated and can't support the nice, new website building programs out there, I did it the "old school" way and have built my website (while learning a thing or two about HTML). It's pretty basic, but I'm proud of it and I can finally direct people to an online portfolio.
So when you get a chance, please check out!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
My latest piece is a portrait of Kuma for the only people I can currently call "patrons," Lexi and Bobby. Kuma is of course their adorable dog and it was a lot of fun to do this drawing. I somehow always forget how much I enjoy doing photo realistic drawings until I find myself losing track of the hours working one. I'm extremely happy with how this one came out and stoked that they liked it too.

22"x 22" graphite on toned paper
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dia de los Treasureween
First off, sorry for the long stretch of un-posted time. I got pretty sick for a couple of weeks, followed by a couple of weeks of unusually high hours at the restaurant and before I knew it, it's been a month. But here's a catch up on October.
Treasure Island Music Festival. Casey has been interning for the cool people at Noise Pop, who are half of the reason why TIMF exists. So naturally, she was at the event, coordinating the volunteers and managing the guest list, of which she got to contribute one name to. ME! I was so stoked to go to the festival, as a bunch of my favorite bands were playing.

At the festival, it was a celebration of both audio and visual arts. Part of this was a performance group that grabbed everyones' attention at every "performance."
Here's the ring leader of the gang, using a remote control in his attempts to conquer the world! Luckily he failed, but he did get a bunch of eyebrow raises, smiles and the occasional scream.

The festival was filled with amazing performances.
Here is headliner, The Flaming Lips, putting on an incredible live performance. This might look like a big bands finale, but its actually one of their opening songs. The festival was great. A bit cold, but still great. It rejazzed my appreciation and love of music and was also just a lot of fun to be a VIP for a weekend.

Moving a bit forward in the month...Halloween! Usually I'm awful at getting a costume together before hand, but this year, I put in the effort and made it out as Mordecai, the falcon from Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums. We spent a fun evening at Lindsay (Casey's sister) and her boyfriend Michael's place.
Dia de los Muertos - The day of the the dead. It's a Mexican event to honor and celebrate the dead. Of course, in San Francisco, it's more of a dress up, post halloween day, with non-Mexicans outnumbering Mexicans. But, it was still a cool event to participate in and experience with the crowd.
Continuing with a bit of death, here is my latest painting.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Planet Earth Inspires
I've recently rediscovered the greatness of the BBC series "Planet Earth." Over the past month Casey and I have enjoyed learning and being exposed to this wonderful planet through the amazing cinematography of the series. Visually stunning, I couldn't help but be inspired. Here is a painting I've been working on for the past two weeks.

On other news, I didn't get into that show which I blogged about last time. I like to think that it just didn't fit in with the feeling of the show they were putting together. Plus, it's good for me to get exposed to rejection, as it is inevitable in art.
I'd love some feedback on this one, so if you have the time, drop me a comment! peace.
Friday, September 25, 2009
My First Submission
This past Tuesday, I found out about an art show that is accepting submissions. The show, put on by Climate Theater, is titled "Everything Must Go!" and is seeking artists to respond to the web on consumerism that we live in today. At first, I wasn't planning on submitting since submissions are due today and that left me with only three days to get something together. But, after watching the street from my window and being recently annoyed by impatient drivers, an idea sparked in my head and I got to working.
I made two pieces for this show.

The title of my pieces refer to campaign slogans by Herbert Hoover for the 1928 presidential election and his promise to Americans that we should have these luxuries. The composition of these paintings were inspired by engineering drawings, hinting at the production or manufacturing of "things." Furthermore, I painted on the bottoms of discarded drawers I found on the street. Things, such as furniture, that were once made to last and pasted down to generations, are now carelessly tossed on the street to make room for new "stuff." In an ironic sense, my representation of Hoover's message is painted it's product, showing how drastically our society has changed in the century since these statements.
Well, wish me luck in getting my submission accepted. It's not going to be a big show, but I gotta start somewhere! I'll keep you updated.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Things are Rolling
After about a month of working at the restaurant (and lack of posting. . . sorry), I'm starting to find my groove in San Francisco. For now, I'm working part time (and possibly full time with some nights added in) at the restaurant, and working for myself on my days off. Here are some examples of what I've been doing with all this free time.

Ok, so what I meant by "working for myself" is painting. I've been spending my free days working on paintings. Now that things are pretty settled in other aspects of my life, I can now focus on art without worry. Which is great, because I've been itching to do that since my semester in Italy.

Well, I'm going to keep this momentum of art and work going. I've got another commission coming up and am totally open for others, so spread the word to your friends!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
No Longer Unemployed

That's right, Jon got a job. This past Monday I interviewed for a server position at Boulettes Larder, an awesome restaurant in the Ferry Building. I clicked with Lori Regis, the pastry chef/co-owner, and have been working everyday since. Boulettes is a small, open-kitchen restaurant dedicated to eating seasonal and local produce, meats and seafood. The executive chef, Amaryll Schwertner, who has worked with Alice Waters, creates a new menu everyday, showcasing what the farmer harvested the day before. Of course I'd love to be in the kitchen, this one especially, but at least I'm with this restauant, and I'm actually enjoying being a server.
On Tuesday, I shadowed one the head servers. On Wednesday, I got a few of my own tables and pretty much freaked out the whole time. Today, I had my own section and rocked it! I'm sure it was the crowd today, but it was nice encouragement to have had a great first day of actual serving. What's even more great though, is not constantly searching craigslist every hour and wondering how long the savings is going to last. So to sum it up, I finally feel secure in San Francisco and can start working on personal goals.
(I just wanted to say THANKS to everyone that had to put up with hearing me complain about not having a job. It seriously took over my happiness for a bit)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Night and Art
I would say this is an update, but not much has changed since my last post. I'm still searching for a job. I got pretty close to two, but one ended with a "we just can't train you right now," and the other turned out to be a money scam. I've got a few cool options out there right now that I'm hoping will pan out, so if you've got some extra luck lying around, throw it over my way!
So, apart from job searching, I've been spending more time with my art. I'm doing a bunch of research for a new body of work that is still in the concept phase. Also, since I've been in SF, I've been wanting to take some night time photos. Casey and I went out and here are some of the good ones.

I've also been doing some drawings and painting. Its weird how I forget how much I love doing this until I pick it up again.

It seems like forever since I've done a photorealistic drawing. I'm starting to feel really comfortable with working fast.
This is the view from my window. I painted on a cardboard box I found (yes, on the side of the street). Free materials! I think it's still a work in progress. Maybe some cars, a bit more fog and more detail on the store. Later!

Friday, July 24, 2009
I'm Still Here, I've Just Been Occupied
Wow, almost of month without posting? What's been going on? Well, I've been settling in to San Francisco, my new city. At the beginning of the month I moved into the "House of Love." I have a great room, awesome housemates, I'm a half-block away from my girl, and its all located in a chill neighborhood. Now that I'm finally in a room for a while, I decided to paint. Here's the progress.

Other than room projects, I've been job searching. It's become my morning and early evening routine. I've got to say, its a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. It seems impossible to even land an interview. Things can get a bit discouraging, but on the bright side, I'm a lot better at writing cover letters and I still have the free time to explore San Francisco. I've also bought the bare minimum of art supplies to start painting again, so you can expect to see some new work!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The End. The Beginning
I guess you could call this a part two to my travels/final chapter to my year abroad. After traveling around in a giant circle, I returned to the farm in Liguria for a week. I finally finished my walk path, which was thoughtfully nicknamed "St. Jon Jon WWOOFer Street," and got to see how a chicken becomes food.

My last week at the farm was the perfect way to say goodbye and give closure to this experience. A good portion of the group was at the farm for a course in Tai Chi, which I got to participate in as well.
Here's the group in discussion after a huge and delicious Italian lunch. It was a beautiful and hot day, perfect for lounging in the shade. That night I got to cook everyone dinner. I made gnocchi in a mushroom, marsala sauce for 16 Italians and received an approving "Bravo." It was my way of saying "Thank You."
I left the farm on a Monday morning, saying goodbye to some of the kindest people . . . and one very affectionate dog. I caught I ride to Milano, stayed the night with the hospitality of Paolo (The Teacher), and caught a sad flight to Dublin the next day while listening to Fabrizio de' Andrè.
After having a good chat with a tourist information attendant, I found myself at the amazing Hugh Lane Gallery, where there is a large portion of the collection dedicated to Francis Bacon. Here is his studio, exactly the way he left it. If you know his art, this will make sense to you. If you don't, click on his name and find out. There were also a number of notable artists' work there, including Manet, Monet, Gustave Corbet, and Brocquy.
Finger print all ten fingers and photo. It can make one feel like a criminal for just going on vacation.

Being in Ireland was a bit of a shock at first. I could actually understand everything I heard and read! After realizing that english was the official language of this place, I explored the beautiful city. Being over shopping and looking at old buildings, the only thing that was left was to find some good art.
Outside, Dublin seems like a typical city. But there is really cool, interesting and modern architecture all over the place, including this sky-reaching tower in the middle of the main shopping area.
It is really neat during the night. With just the top illuminated, it seems like this point of light is floating in the air.
On my last day in Ireland, I took a day trip to Cork with the hope of seeing a Conor Harrington in real life. This extremely talented street-turned-gallery artist is from Cork and I knew of a few places he might have left his mark. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything.
The next day I headed back to the States. It is totally unreal what you have to go through, compared to everywhere else I've been, to get into this country. They checked my passport literally five times before boarding the plane and non-US citizens have to go through this:
My travels weren't quite over as soon as I expected. My plane leaving Dublin was delayed and pushed back everything. I flew to Philly and got stuck there for the night, having missed my original connection and a hopeful new one to San Francisco. They did pay for my food and hotel this time, so it was a bit better than last year, but still a pain. The following day I flew to Vegas before finally getting back to San Francisco, officially ending Chapter Italia.
To summarize the last week, I've been spending some much needed time with Casey, got to see an amazing concert by Grizzly Bear, found the perfect place to live and actually got the room, had a giant welcome back party and reconnected with friends, and am playing the "Let's Find A Job!" game. Wish me luck!
To my friends in Italy (Ai miei amici in Italia):
Veramente, grazie mille per tutto. Il mio tempo in Italia era grandissimo e sono proprio felice che èrano un parte. Grazie per la tua ospitalità, la tua gentilezza, e la tua amicizia (e anche il cibo!) Spero proprio che ci rivedremo ancora nel futuro e che il mio italiano sarà un po meglio. Arrivederci per ora. A Presto!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Travels Around Europe - The Photos
Here's finally a catch-up of photos on my travels for the last month (or so). Just a warning, this is a long one and my feelings won't be hurt if you just want to just scroll through the pics.
I left the farm after La Festa di Primavera (The Spring Festival), a big event the farm had to celebrate the reconstructed Mulino (Mill), a historic mill that used to produce the flour for the area.

I left the farm and hitched a ride with Paola (she's the one weighting vegis in a couple posts back) to Firenze to meet up with some friends.

I spend the last day in Firenze hitting up all my favorite places and really saying a good farewell.

That night I caught a train to Pisa and got an interesting scar on the way to the airport. I'll tell everyone the story soon enough. From Pisa I flew to Puglia.

Christina, who I stayed with in Sardegna, showed my Castlesardo, a really quaint old town on the top of a hill overlooking the sea. This area is known for their crafts.

Next stop, Prague.
An amazing view of the city from the castle. Kind of looks like monopoly huh? Prague is a beautiful city, fully of history and character. I think it's one of the coolest places I've been.

On my last day in the Czech Republic I went to Moravsky Krumlov, a very small town near Brno, to see Mucha's greatest work, The Slav Epic. It is 20 giant paintings of his country's past and his heritage and complete perfection. It was a very special feeling, standing next to the work he devoted the last 18 years of his life to, seeing his hand and the work he put into it. Needless to say it completely inspired me.

Next on the list, Vienna. I only stayed in Vienna for a day, but I got to see a lot. At the end of the first day I went to the giant palace. Actually, giant isn't a good enough word... let's use monstrous. This place is enormous.

My last day in Vienna was mostly spent in the Leopold Museum, discovering great artists that really should be more well known. It was a great collection. That evening I caught a night train from Vienna to Venezia, waking up to the sunrise over the alps in Switzerland. As if I haven't said it enough, it was amazing.
That's my three weeks in a giant circle.
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