It's been a while since my last post. This was due in part to my camera breaking and not being able to get any pictures up. I got a new one though and it is an amazing piece of technology. I'm still getting a grasp on using it (I'm not used to having so much control over my point-and-shoot) and will definitely have some good pictures up soon. The other part for not posting was that I was spending a good amount of time brainstorming on ideas to develop into a body of work, a part of my process that I'm learning takes up a good amount of time and head space. Things are a bit clearer now and I'm just about finished with my first piece.

I'm going to be a bit closed mouthed with the idea for a while, but I'm pretty happy with how this one is turning out. I'm not quite done, but its almost there. Sorry for the grainy quality. Its still a bit wet and I couldn't get it without glare marks in normal lighting.
Tomorrow Casey and I are going to Colorado! Time for some warmth, some mountains and some chill time. I'm definitely going to put my cameras to the test.