Looking through my pictures, I guess there isn't much to update about life. Things are going steady and well and I've just been enjoying life in the city and the sunny weekends we've been having here. There have a been a few things worth sharing though and here are some pictures to illustrate.
Here's another shot with some river action. I'm so glad I got the window seat on this leg of the trip!
Mom visited us recently and we took her to Point Reyes and Sonoma while also showing her around San Francisco.
When I thought about Point Reyes, I was picturing a nice, hot, sunny day with blue water against red rocks and green cliffs. Instead, we got grey, which is alright for me! I'm actually really happy that we were in these conditions because it seems so northern California to me.
Plus, I think the grey gives everything a certain feeling.
Here's my mom taking her shot. She taught me a lot about my camera on this trip and it was a lot of fun shooting with her.
Leaving Point Reyes, the rest of these are in San Francisco. It's nice having someone to show around because you get to experience the best of the city, which generally isn't part of my everyday life. We started at Ocean Beach, where seal rock is.
I'm pretty sure these rocks were called Seal Rocks because seals used to hang out here. But the seals have moved on and now they are just a bunch of cool rocks painted in seagull droppings. Its really meditative to look out at these rocks and watch the birds fly while listening to the waves.
I also probably took more 20 pictures of seagulls in flight. It was addictive. But now I have some really good images of flight to work with.
We also went up Coit Tower, which is perched atop Telegraph Hill, giving one a 360 degree view of the city.
I took this one before we went up, but in the middle right you can see the famous Lombard Street with its insane curves lined with the insanely priced homes.
I love seeing views of cities like this because I like thinking about myself wandering around in it, being so tiny. It really puts things in perspective. It also makes me feel pretty healthy for biking around all over this place.
The TransAmerican Building is probably the most iconic piece in our skyline.
No trip to San Francisco would be complete without the Golden Gate Bridge.
My mom took this one while we were driving back from Point Reyes. I tweaked it a bit to make it a bit more interesting. The composition feels very design forward.

I feel like everyone has this shot, but I really like the fog covering the top. It is such a common sight that when I see pictures of the bridge on a clear day, it seems almost inauthentic.

And here's mom with the bridge and her gigantic camera. That thing is a lot of fun!
Well there you have it, a bunch of pictures from a bunch of places. I've got some fun things planned for the coming months and hopefully I'll be more diligent at sharing.