Saturday, August 30, 2008

Getting close to unhomelessness

Last night I decided that I wanted to live in the Piazza Santo Spirito.  It is a cool piazza with restaurants and young, hip people.  There is a stage for live music at one end where a jazz band was playing last night and a big screen for movies at the other end.  In between is a fountain and tables for people to enjoy a drink and conversation.  

SO, I went to see an apartment today for a double room.  Not my ideal but I figure its better to share a room and have the experience I want than to have a single and not have fun.  I only met one guy at this apartment, but he seemed mellow and nice and I'm assuming the rest can't be too far from that.  

Tomorrow I will see another apartment in the piazza, again a double.  This one is a bit cheaper so it just depends on the people at this point.  Anyway, hopefully I will be sleeping in a bed I can call mine tomorrow night with one, rather than 4, other person.    Wish me luck!

Italian word for the entry: vivere - to live

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